Nutritious Vegan Egg Replacements

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CrackD The No-Egg Egg is Made Using Pea Protein

The CrackD The No-Egg Egg vegan egg replacement is being launched by the brand in the UK to offer consumers with a versatile way to enhance their favorite recipes with an egg-free twist. The product is achieved using pea protein that has been cold pressed to help retain its nutrients and flavor, and has an allergen-free recipe that is also rich in vitamin B12 to support those who practice a vegan lifestyle everyday. The product is positioned as the perfect option for consumers to use when preparing vegan fare or simply for flexitarians looking for a way to reduce their intake of animal products.

The CrackD The No-Egg Egg vegan egg replacement will be launching at M&S stores starting in December with expanded availability starting in January for Veganuary.
Trend Themes
1. Vegan Egg Replacements - There is an opportunity for food tech companies to develop nutritious, plant-based alternatives to traditional egg products using innovative ingredients like pea protein.
2. Allergen-free Recipes - There is a growing demand for allergen-free food and beverage products, presenting an opportunity for companies to create innovative, allergen-free recipes for consumers with dietary restrictions.
3. Flexitarianism - The rise of flexitarianism presents an opportunity for companies to offer products that cater to consumers who are looking to reduce their intake of animal products while still enjoying the taste and texture of traditional animal-based products.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Foodtech startups and established food and beverage companies can explore the vegan egg replacements market and innovate with new allergen-free recipes for health-conscious and vegan consumers.
2. Health and Wellness - As more consumers choose plant-based diets, the health and wellness industry can create and market products that meet the growing demand for vegan, allergen-free products.
3. Retail - Retailers can capitalize on the trend of vegan egg replacements and allergen-free recipes by stocking new and innovative products that appeal to health-conscious consumers.

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