Spherical Urban Greenhouses

Amazon is Building a Relaxing Green Community For Its Employees

This urban greenhouse will serve as a sanctuary for Amazon employees in Seattle, Washington.

The structure will consist of three spheres that "will house more than 3,000 species of plants" -- both common and endangered alike. The urban greenhouse will have rickety bridges suspended high off the ground and tree houses in which employees can hold meetings and collaborative sessions. The "green" community will be situated close to the Amazon office and was designed in the hopes of creating an escape for employees where they can relieve stress levels and enjoy a unique work experience.

These spherical greenhouses may serve to improve productivity by providing a relaxing environment and a "change of pace" for Amazon employees.
Trend Themes
1. Spherical Urban Greenhouses - The creation of spherical urban greenhouses allows for the development of unique and relaxing work environments.
2. Rickety Bridges and Tree Houses - The incorporation of rickety bridges and tree houses within urban greenhouses offers potential for unconventional meeting spaces and collaborative sessions.
3. Nature-inspired Workspaces - Designing workspaces inspired by nature, such as urban greenhouses, can provide employees with stress-relief benefits and improved well-being.
Industry Implications
1. Corporate Wellness - The creation of spherical urban greenhouses can disrupt the corporate wellness industry by offering unique spaces for relaxation, stress reduction, and improved employee well-being.
2. Architecture and Design - The incorporation of rickety bridges and tree houses within urban greenhouses presents an opportunity for architectural innovation and unique design solutions in the industry.
3. Tech Companies and Workspaces - The concept of nature-inspired workspaces, like urban greenhouses, can be adopted by tech companies to offer employees a more stimulating work environment and boost productivity.

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