Venice Bans Rice Tossing

Pigeons Kill Tradition

For centuries, throwing rice at an Italian wedding signified wishing the newlyweds prosperity and fertility. At the same time, however, it inadvertently contributed to the fertility of the pigeon population in and around St. Mark's Square in Venice, where over 40,000 of them regularly attend services. Consequently, the mayor, Massimo Cacciari, is considering a ban on throwing rice as part of his initiative to reduce the "burgeoning pigeon population."

The city has already introduced birth control pills (their aculpa) into pigeon feed, but to no avail. The little heathens keep eating the rice.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Preservation - The ban on rice tossing in Venice highlights the growing trend of environmental preservation in urban areas.
2. Alternative Wedding Traditions - As the tradition of rice tossing comes under scrutiny, there is an opportunity for the wedding industry to explore and promote alternative wedding traditions.
3. Pest Management Solutions - The issue with the pigeon population in Venice presents an opportunity for the pest management industry to develop innovative and effective solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Wedding Industry - The ban on rice tossing opens up opportunities for the wedding industry to create and market alternative wedding traditions.
2. Pest Control Industry - The pigeon problem in Venice creates a demand for innovative pest control solutions that can effectively manage the pigeon population.
3. Environmental Protection Services - The need for reducing the pigeon population in Venice and preserving the environment creates opportunities for companies specializing in environmental protection services.

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