I assume that if you have access to a computer/are living in the 21st century, then you know all about Dictionary.com’s word of the day, which provides you with the definition in an effort to make you smarter. TheF*ckingWordOfTheDay.com is a spin off of Dictionary.com, and it encourages you to broaden your vocabulary by giving culturally relevant (ie. coarse and vulgar) definitions to words such as "assiduous."
TheF*ckingWordOfTheDay.com will no doubt be a hit among the younger generation. The gallery above contains the tamest definitions that I could find at TheF*ckingWordOfTheDay.com; check out the site to see more.
Vulgar Learning Tactics
TheF*ckingWordOfTheDay.com Teaches Vocab With Coarse Language
Trend Themes
1. Vulgar Language Education - The use of culturally relevant and provocative language in educational materials as a means of increasing engagement and retention.
2. Humorous Vocabulary Teaching - The adoption of humorous, light-hearted approaches to vocabulary teaching in order to better engage students and encourage learning.
3. Online Learning Disruption - The proliferation of online learning platforms that offer unique, unconventional and attention-grabbing methods of teaching that incorporate pop culture and contemporary language styles.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Incorporating unconventional and humorous approaches to vocabulary teaching in all levels of education.
2. E-learning - Developing online learning platforms that incorporate non-traditional, attention-grabbing methods of teaching, particularly for younger audiences.
3. Language Learning - Incorporating contemporary and provocative language styles in language learning materials to better engage and retain students.