Mock Parisian Resorts

The Parisian Brings the Romantic Feel of France to Macau

Soon, residents and visitors of Macau will be able to get a taste of Paris without having to leave the country, thanks to the completion of The Parisian Macau. The French-inspired luxury resort is currently under construction by the Las Vegas Sands, and the property will even include a replica of the Eiffel Tower that's half the size of the real thing. Mimicking the romance of this iconic French city, the resort is set to be a convincing recreation of the 'City of Lights.'

Inside the resort, The Parisian Macau will consist of over 3,000 rooms, plus nearly 500,000 square feet of retail, dining, casino, convention and meeting spaces. The $2.7 billion resort is set to open later this year, in late 2015.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Resort Replicas - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop luxury resort replicas to bring the feel of iconic cities to different locations.
2. French-inspired Hospitality - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create French-inspired hospitality experiences in various countries to cater to travelers who can't visit France.
3. Destination-themed Resorts - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build destination-themed resorts that bring the essence of popular cities to tourists who can't travel abroad.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate immersive experiences into luxury resorts to provide guests with a unique and memorable stay.
2. Travel and Tourism - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Find creative ways to replicate the cultural essence of popular destinations for travelers who cannot visit them.
3. Construction and Real Estate - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build replica landmarks and structures to attract tourists and enhance the tourism industry.

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