Non-GMO Stevia-Based Platforms

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SweeGen’s BESTEVIA® TASTE SOLUTIONS Expands the Company's Portfolio

SweeGen, which is a "nature-based sweetener company," has expanded its portfolio with the introduction of an "advanced stevia-based sugar reduction platform" -- BESTEVIA® TASTE SOLUTIONS. The launch seeks to bring positive changes to categories of dairy, confectionery, nutrition, and more.

Stevia is a natural sweetener that is derived from the leaves of a plant species that is native to Brazil and Paraguay. Commercially, it is often used as a substitute for sugar. The ingredient carries zero calories, which is an added benefit for brands that looking to boast a lower count on their packaging.

SweeGen’s BESTEVIA® TASTE SOLUTIONS is geared to be natural, non-GMO, and cost-competitive, with a focus on meeting the challenges to create "reduced sugar products without compromising taste."
Trend Themes
1. Non-gmo Sweeteners - The trend towards natural, non-GMO sweeteners continues to grow as consumers seek healthier alternatives to traditional sugar.
2. Sugar Reduction Platforms - Developing platforms focused on reducing sugar without compromising taste provides disruptive innovation opportunities in the food and beverage industry.
3. Stevia-based Solutions - Leveraging the benefits of stevia-based solutions, such as zero calories and natural sourcing, presents an opportunity for companies to differentiate themselves in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can leverage non-GMO stevia-based solutions to develop healthier and more sustainable products for consumers.
2. Health and Wellness - The trend towards natural sweeteners and sugar reduction aligns with the health and wellness industry, providing opportunities to develop functional foods and supplements.
3. Confectionery - As consumers increasingly seek out healthier and lower-sugar options, the confectionery industry can benefit from developing products that meet these demands using stevia-based solutions.

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