Jammy Superfood Bites

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Chia Smash's Natural Smash Bites are Loaded with Texture, Flavor & Protein

Right on time for back-to-school season, superfood jam maker Chia Smash introduced Smash Bites, a delectable, protein-packed snack in the form of a poppable bite. These snackable superfood bites use sunflower butter, cashew butter, classic peanut butter or chocolate peanut butter to envelop a gooey fruit jam center, providing a satisfying multi-textured treat to energize all ages.

With five to nine grams of plant protein, Smash Bites turn the classic pairing of peanut butter and jam into a snackable format that needs no sandwich bread, all while offering school-safe options with creamy seed butter for those with sensitivities to nuts.

Ingredient-conscious parents and caregivers will appreciate Chia Smash's commitment to clean, simple and natural ingredients, with the brand promising nutritious formulas made with "Nothing weird, just super[natural] ingredients."
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Protein Snacks - The rising demand for plant-based proteins fuels new snack creations leveraging ingredients like sunflower and cashew butter.
2. Nut-free Alternatives - Innovations in nut-free products cater to consumers with allergies, enhancing inclusivity in the snack market.
3. Superfood Infusions - Using superfoods like chia in bite-sized snacks marries nutritional benefits with convenient formats.
Industry Implications
1. Healthy Snacks - The healthy snack industry sees growth opportunities in products blending high protein content with all-natural ingredients.
2. Food Allergy Solutions - The food allergy solutions industry benefits from new products that offer safe alternatives without compromising on taste and nutrition.
3. Functional Foods - Functional foods gain traction by integrating superfood ingredients that promise added health benefits in enjoyable forms.

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