Club-Style Fried Chicken Sandwiches

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The Zaxby's Signature Club Sandwich is a Twist on a Classic

The Zaxby's Signature Club Sandwich is being introduced by the brand as a new menu item for avid fans of its Signature Sandwich to try out when seeking an alternative option to satisfy their hunger. The sandwich starts off with a crispy piece of fried chicken that is paired with two slices of bacon along with American cheese and either original Max sauce or Spicy Zax sauce. The sandwich is being launched as a replacement for the existing Zaxby's Club on the menu to help freshen up options for patrons to enjoy.

The Zaxby's Signature Club Sandwich is being launched at around $6.89 for the sandwich alone, while a meal deal with crinkle fries and a drink is priced at $8.99.
Trend Themes
1. Gourmet Fast Food - Zaxby's Club Sandwich replacement serves as a representation of the gourmet fast-food trend, which creates a fusion of traditional fast-food with healthy and fresh ingredients.
2. Customization - The introduction of the Zaxby's Signature Club Sandwich highlights a related customization trend where customers can choose their perfect sandwich combination.
3. Sauces Innovation - The addition of two new sauce options for the Signature Club Sandwich by Zaxby's represents a breakthrough in the sauces innovation trend, which is creating new recipe variations to add uniqueness and flavor excitement to traditional dishes.
Industry Implications
1. Fast-food Industry - The fast-food industry can benefit from the Gourmet Fast Food trend by creating a wide selection of healthier and fresh ingredient choices.
2. Restaurant Industry - Customization leans towards the restaurant industry, which has a fresher, more customized menu than traditional fast-food options.
3. Food Manufacturing Industry - The Sauces Innovation trend opens up new opportunities for food manufacturing companies to create unique, versatile and healthier sauces and dressings that can be used in different fast-food and restaurant dishes.

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