Shoppable CPG Ads

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Instacart-Powered Shoppable Video Ads are Coming to YouTube

Following the introduction of Instacart-powered Google Shopping Ads, the leading online grocery platform is extending its first-party retail media data to YouTube, offering viewers newfound convenience with shoppable YouTube ads and same-day deliveries. Clorox and Publicis Media are among the first Instacart partners to pilot these new shoppable ads on YouTube, leveraging Instacart's first-party data to identify and reach high-intent consumers.

Viewers can click directly from a YouTube ad to an Instacart product page, and purchase the featured items for a seamless, same-day delivery experience.

According to a recent Google/TalkShoppe study, YouTube is the number one platform consumers use to research products and make purchase decisions. "Today's announcement marks an important next step to make grocery shopping effortless by helping consumers more easily go from discovery to purchase," says Fidji Simo, CEO and Chair of Instacart.
Trend Themes
1. Shoppable-video Integration - Videos on YouTube now offer direct product purchases, enhancing the convenience of online shopping.
2. First-party Data Utilization - Instacart leverages its customer data to target high-intent consumers, improving the efficacy of shoppable ads.
3. Instant-grocery Delivery - By partnering with YouTube, Instacart offers same-day delivery for products purchased through shoppable ads.
Industry Implications
1. Online Grocery Retail - Instacart's introduction of shoppable ads on YouTube creates new avenues for instant purchase and delivery.
2. Digital Advertising - Shoppable CPG ads on YouTube open up innovative ways for brands to reach customers directly through engaging content.
3. Consumer Packaged Goods - The integration of shoppable ads enables CPG brands to shorten the customer journey from product discovery to purchase.

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