Paper-Packaged Wine Bottles

This Seasonal Subscription Offers Wines from the Netherlands

This seasonal subscription offers wines chosen by the "six best sommeliers of the Netherlands" and are mailed to customers -- and so making sturdy and aesthetically pleasing packaging is a necessity for the brand.

'Sommos,' the online platform that offers this seasonal subscription recruited graphic design studio 'Mucho' to develop the branding for its chosen wines. The resulting bottles are completely black and free of any labels or stickers that distinguish what each wine is. Instead, the wines come with tags that provide information and are wrapped in red, blue and gold paper before being boxed and shipped out. While the paper acts to distinguish the wines, it is also used as a safety measure to ensure the bottles are not harmed during shipping.

This seasonal wine subscription service not only offers excellent wines, but ones that come in shipping-friendly and functional packages.
Trend Themes
1. Paper-packaged Wine Bottles - A trend towards using paper as a functional and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional wine bottle packaging.
2. Seasonal Wine Subscriptions - An emerging trend of offering curated wine subscriptions that rotate based on season.
3. Minimalist Bottle Designs - A trend towards simple and label-free bottle designs that focus on the quality of the product rather than branding.
Industry Implications
1. Wine - Opportunities to disrupt the traditional wine industry by offering unique and shipping-friendly packaging options and curated subscription services.
2. Packaging - Opportunities to innovate in the packaging industry by exploring alternative materials and designs for wine and other products that prioritize functionality and aesthetics.
3. Graphic Design - Opportunities for graphic designers to work on innovative branding and packaging projects that require unique solutions for shipping and aesthetic purposes.

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