Savory Fig Ciders

This Sweet and Savory Cocktail is Ideal for the Approaching Bitter Months

This deliciously fresh and savory cocktail from the 'Black Tree' in New York City's East Village is the perfect beverage for a cool autumn evening. Since the cocktail bar doesn't have direct access to fresh citrus fruits during the cold months, this savory cocktail relies heavily on seasonal fruits and veggies -- like apples.

In the spirit of the season, chef and co-owner Sandy Dee Hall created the "Hall's spiked fig and apple cider." This beverage calls for an apple, some fig, sugar, apple cider and bitters. The bar is also committed to using only local spirits as well, so this cocktail is spiked with Boyd & Blair vodka and Lieb Cellars' Blanc de Blancs sparkling wine.

The bar's all-fresh approach to its menu means that consumers will always have the ability to try new things at the Black Tree.
Trend Themes
1. Savory Cocktails - The rise of unique savory cocktails like Black Tree's spiked fig and apple cider allows for exploration of unique flavor combinations.
2. Seasonal Ingredients - As seen in Black Tree's cocktail menu, utilizing seasonal fruits and veggies could become a trend in cocktail creation.
3. Local Spirits - Bars could adopt a commitment to using only local spirits, like Black Tree's use of Boyd & Blair vodka and Lieb Cellars' Blanc de Blancs sparkling wine.
Industry Implications
1. Cocktail Bars - Cocktail bars and mixologists could experiment with more savory flavor profiles using seasonal ingredients to create unique, signature cocktails.
2. Beverage Distributors - Beverage distributors could work to source more local spirits to fulfill a growing demand for locally-sourced ingredients in cocktails.
3. Local Farms and Orchards - Local farms and orchards could see an increase in business from bars and restaurants attempting to utilize more seasonal ingredients in their menus.

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