Reality TV Stoops To New Low

Donor To Choose Winner Of Their Kidneys

Endemol, originators of the Big Brother TV programme format, are to screen in Holland later this week their latest reality TV concept. But have they gone too far this time (if they had not already done so before!), as the protagonist is a terminally ill woman who will select one of the three contestants who will receive her kidney's when she dies. The show is naturally causing a big stir, which is what the company claims is their intention, as they want to draw attention to Holland's organ donor shortage. However, it raises a lot of ethical issues, and I can not begin to imagine the trauma of the woman as she comes to terms with having to actually decide who may actually live and die.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Reality TV Shows - As the public becomes more desensitized to reality TV, there may be opportunities for companies to push the boundaries even further with controversial concepts.
2. Organ Donation Awareness Campaigns - By creating innovative ways to bring attention to the shortage of organ donors, companies can help save lives and bring about much-needed change in the industry.
3. Bioethical Debates - As technology advances and we push the limits of what is possible in medicine, there will be an increasing need for in-depth discussions on bioethical issues and how to handle them in a responsible way.
Industry Implications
1. Television - With the rise of streaming services and increasing demand for new content, there are numerous disruptive opportunities within the TV industry to explore innovative and boundary-pushing concepts.
2. Healthcare - As we continue to advance in medical technology, the healthcare industry will be faced with new ethical dilemmas, creating opportunities for innovation and change.
3. Non-profit Organizations - Non-profits can play a crucial role in promoting awareness about organ donation and collaborating with companies to create unique and impactful campaigns to address the issue.

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