Portable Protein Desserts

This Shake Can Be Made with Water or Milk on the Go

Most meal replacements require vigorous shaking in a blender prior to being ready for consumption on the go, but this protein dessert from Feel Free Nutrition can be prepared by hand at a moment's notice.

The 'Protein Dessert Shake 'n Take Meal Replacement' is much like a chocolate protein shake, but it's designed to have a thick consistency like a mousse or a pudding once either water or milk is added.

Other than one's choice of liquid, all of the components needed for preparation are included in the container, including an allotment of powder and a spoon. In total, this Protein Dessert supplies 44 grams of protein, while also being low in sugar and fat.
Trend Themes
1. Meal Replacement Innovations - The convenience of easily prepared meal replacements could disrupt traditional meal planning and preparation.
2. Portable Nutrition - Portable protein desserts offer a convenient way for busy individuals to maintain a healthy diet while on the go.
3. Thick and Creamy Texture - The trend towards thick and creamy textures in protein desserts opens up opportunities for innovative product developments.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore new product offerings that cater to the growing demand for portable and nutritious meal options.
2. Fitness and Wellness - The fitness and wellness industry can make use of portable protein desserts as a convenient option for athletes and health-conscious individuals.
3. Meal Replacement - The meal replacement industry can leverage the trend towards thick and creamy textures to create innovative and satisfying protein dessert options.

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