Marmite has successfully established itself as a polarizing brand by embracing its divisive nature, and its latest marketing campaign offers pregnancy scans to expecting parents to find out whether their child will be born a lover or a hater. "You Either Love It or You Hate It" is the tagline for the well-known savory spread with a powerful taste and aroma, and the brand makes no qualms about its product not being for everyone.
Marmite’s experiment is based on a groundbreaking scientific study that reveals babies in the womb react to what their mothers eat. The Marmite Baby Scan will offer free 4D ultrasound scans to pregnant women in Manchester and Bristol at Window to the Womb clinics, performed by medical professionals. As a result, parents will receive bibs and onesies that either say "Marmite Lover" or "Marmite Hater."
Branded Pregnancy Scans
Marmite is Inviting Parents to Discover the Nature of Their Unborn Child
Trend Themes
1. Branded Pregnancy Scans - The use of ultrasound scans to offer personalized branded products to parents of unborn children.
2. Prenatal Branding - The practice of marketing products to parents of unborn children based on prenatal data.
3. In-utero Product Placement - The advertising of products in the prenatal period to influence newborn consumer habits.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The use of prenatal data to market products to expecting parents for their children.
2. Ultrasound Clinics - Offering branded pregnancy scans to parents-to-be presents the opportunity to differentiate and stand out in the competitive ultrasound clinic industry.
3. Food - Brands could explore using prenatal data to create and market products tailored to the in-utero preferences of babies.