Personalized Vitamin Prescriptions

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Personalized Vitamins are the Future of Wellness for Boomers

HUM Nutrition and Vous Vitamin are exploring how consumers respond to personalized vitamin supplements. Commonly referred to as "the future of wellness," personalized vitamins are becoming increasingly popular as baby boomer and millennial consumers look for products that are made with natural and healthy ingredients to boost their overall health. Instead of relying on multiple pills for different ailments, consumers can create personalized vitamins that contain everything required for a healthy life.

Vous Vitamin recognizes that older demographics are more value-oriented and may suffer from more chronic conditions than others, so the idea of a one-dollar-a-day prescription service may appeal to this category more than others. Vous Vitamin hopes it can lower the number of pills the average baby boomer consumes per day by reducing the cost of vitamin supplements and providing this demographic with the accurate dosage of each prescription.

"Older consumers may have other chronic conditions. They don’t want handfuls of vitamins. The "pill pack" idea—swallowing eight, nine, ten pills and powders a day of different shapes and sizes—does not necessarily appeal to that customer," said Brad Helfand from Vous Vitamin.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Vitamin Supplements - The trend of personalized vitamin supplements is gaining popularity, providing an opportunity for companies to offer customized products based on individual needs and preferences.
2. Value-oriented Services - Tailoring vitamin prescription services to value-oriented demographics like baby boomers can create disruptive innovation opportunities in the wellness industry.
3. Reduced Pill Consumption - Reducing the number of pills taken by offering personalized vitamins with accurate dosages can be a disruptive innovation for the vitamin industry.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness Industry - The wellness industry can take advantage of personalized vitamin supplements to offer customized product solutions to consumers with unique needs.
2. Pharmaceutical Industry - Personalized vitamin supplements disrupt the pharmaceutical industry by offering natural and cost-effective alternatives to prescription drugs.
3. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can leverage personalized vitamin supplements to optimize patient outcomes by offering personalized solutions to support specific health conditions.

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