Naturally Sweetened Sodas

Pepsi True is a Green Cola Drink That's Sweetened with Stevia

Pepsi True is a new green soda from PepsiCo that contains 40% fewer calories than regular Pepsi. Over the past couple of years, there have been some big movements in the United States to cut down on the consumption of sodas filled with high fructose corn syrup, sugar and other artificial sweeteners, and Pepsi's answer comes in the form of a drink that is made with a natural sweetener, stevia, much like Coca-Cola's Life.

This "mid-calorie" cola is being launched as a drink that falls somewhere between regular Pepsi and the sugarless Diet Pepsi drink. Pepsi True comes in smaller cans, which also helps to satisfy the demand for drinks that are low-calorie and naturally sweetened. Pepsi True will be launched first as an online-only product before it hits stores.
Trend Themes
1. Naturally Sweetened Beverages - Opportunity for beverage companies to create new products that use natural sweeteners and appeal to consumers looking for low-calorie options.
2. Reduced-calorie Cola - Potential for beverage companies to develop new cola drinks with significantly fewer calories to cater to health-conscious consumers.
3. Online-first Launch - Chance for companies to generate buzz and gauge consumer interest by initially launching a product exclusively online before introducing it in physical stores.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Beverage companies can seize the opportunity to create naturally sweetened drinks and differentiate themselves in the market.
2. Food and Beverage - Companies in the food and beverage industry can explore the potential for reduced-calorie cola drinks with natural sweeteners.
3. E-commerce - The online-first launch strategy presents an opportunity for e-commerce businesses to partner with beverage companies and capitalize on the initial exclusive availability of a new product.

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