These Ovaltine 'Sucks to be Short' ads are catered towards parents of young children. Each print shows a humorous depiction of a child's minimal height being the cause for unfortunate situations, offering Ovaltine supplement as a high-in-calcium solution.
These ads are clever in that they target what parents care about most: their children. These adverts display children in places where a little bit of height is needed for survival. For example, a child is sitting on a nose-diving plane unable to reach high enough for an oxygen mask. The adverts are depicted as cartoons as to ensure they are not to harsh, providing a humorous and slightly heart-wrenching reason to provide children with the featured product. The Ovaltine Sucks to be Short ads know how to push parents' buttons.
Height-Humored Supplement Ads
Ovaltine 'Sucks to Be Short' Shows Why Being Tall is Advantageous
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Supplement Ads - Opportunity to create humorous and engaging ads that appeal to the emotions of parents to market supplements and other related health products.
2. Height-focused Marketing - A trend where companies create marketing campaigns that focus on height and its impact on everyday life, driving demand for height-enhancing products.
3. Cartoon Advertising - An emerging trend where companies use cartoon characters and comics to leverage emotional appeal and create memorable ads for children's products and related services.
Industry Implications
1. Health Supplements - Height-focused marketing presents opportunities for health supplement companies to develop targeted campaigns and innovative products that address height-related concerns and demands.
2. Children's Products - The use of cartoon advertising and height-focused marketing provides opportunities for the children's product industry to create entertaining and informative ads that appeal to both parents and children.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Cartoon advertising and other innovative marketing strategies that appeal to consumers' emotions create opportunities for companies in the advertising and marketing industry to develop new and better ways to reach target audiences.