Most Obese Cities

The 16 Fattest Cities in America

It's no secret America is battling an obesity epidemic, but reports are usually pretty generalized. Fried chicken in the south, McDonalds on every major street, and donuts at every truck stop along the way don't so much help the one third of obese Americans battle their bulges.

Forbes magazine compiled a list of the American cities with the highest rates of obesity. I'm not talking about being overweight; these percentages indicate the number of people diagnosed with clinical obesity in the following areas:

34.0% - Memphis, Tenn
31.3% - Birmingham, Ala.
31.1% - San Antonio, Texas
30.8% - Riverside/San Bernardino, Calif.
30.4% - Detroit
29.8% - Jacksonville, Fla.
28.8% - Nashville, Tenn.
27.5% - Oklahoma City
26.9% - Kansas City, Mo.
26.7% - San Diego, Calif.
26.3% - Cincinnati, Ohio
26.0% - Indianapolis
25.8% - New Orleans
25.8% - Baltimore
25.8% - Virginia Beach, Va.
25.6% - Atlanta

Surprised? What's important to note is that this illness doesn't just strike a certain sector of society; from the poorest of the poor, to the most affluent VIPs, obesity can hit anyone, regardless of their location, be they big city urbanites, living in cookie cutter suburbs on living on a rural farm.
Trend Themes
1. Rising Obesity Rates - The high rates of clinical obesity in American cities indicate a growing trend towards unhealthy lifestyles and the need for effective solutions.
2. Geographical Disparity in Obesity - The distribution of obese individuals across different cities highlights the need for location-specific interventions and targeted health programs.
3. Obesity and Socioeconomic Diversity - The prevalence of obesity across all sectors of society underscores the importance of addressing the issue as a societal problem requiring inclusive and comprehensive strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare and Wellness - From medical breakthroughs to fitness technology, the rising obesity rates open up opportunities for innovation in healthcare and wellness industries.
2. Food and Beverage - With the obesity epidemic, there is a need for the food and beverage industry to develop healthier and more nutritious options to cater to consumer demand.
3. Fitness and Recreation - The high obesity rates create a need for innovative fitness and recreational solutions that can promote active lifestyles and combat sedentary behaviors.

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