Glycemic Inhibitor Sweetener Solutions

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NutraEx BI-Sugar Inhibits the Digestion of Sugar

The NutraEx BI-Sugar has been launched by the natural sweetener supplier as a new solution that will work to help inhibit the digestion of sugar.

The solution makes use of the brand's patented dry-embedding technology that bonds L-arabinose to regular sugar and another sweetener like monk fruit or stevia. This allows for the reduction of calories from the sucrose, while also acting as a glycemic inhibitor that will delay and even partially blocking sucrose from converting to glucose and fructose. This could work well for the replacement of traditional sugar in recipes, especially in the face of increased attention to weight maintenance in response to GLP-1 drugs.

Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer Harvey Martens spoke on NutraEx BI-Sugar saying, "BI-Sugar is not just another sweetener. It is a highly functional solution that will empower food and beverage manufacturers to take their sugar reduction strategies to a new level and set them apart in a highly competitive market. Furthermore, our unique embedding process means the ingredients in BI-Sugar work together in synergy for perfectly balanced, bright clean sweetness. With embedding, there is also no separation or settling of different volume density ingredients during storage, transportation, or handling by machinery."
Trend Themes
1. Glycemic Control Sweeteners - Sweeteners that inhibit sugar digestion could transform dietary options for health-conscious consumers.
2. Natural Calorie Reduction - Embedding technology in sweeteners offers an innovative way to reduce calorie intake without compromising taste.
3. Functional Food Ingredients - Sweeteners that provide health benefits beyond taste are becoming central to the future of functional foods.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The integration of glycemic inhibitors like BI-Sugar can revolutionize sugar-reduction strategies for manufacturers.
2. Health and Wellness - New sweetener technologies align with the growing consumer demand for healthier food options.
3. Nutraceuticals - Functional sweeteners that impact digestion present new opportunities in the nutraceutical market.

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