Casual Enjoyment Bottled Wines

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Nice Wines Introduced Full-Sized, Full-Strength Wine in Bottles

London-based, woman-led Nice Wines has introduced its signature refreshments in bottles for the first time as part of its continued expansion and growth.

The brand has expanded on its existing range of wines that are low in alcohol, canned, boxed and on tap to include bottled varieties that are perfect for a wide variety of occasions. The wines include the French Sauvignon Blanc, Rosé and Argentinian Malbec, which come with an 11% ABV for the first two and a 13.5% ABV for the latter. Priced at £10 each, the wines are making their way to an array of retailers in the UK for shoppers to pick up this summer.

Co-Founder Lucy Busk spoke on the new bottled Nice Wines saying, "We know that 95% of wine sales are from a bottle and many consumers find the category incredibly confusing and intimidating. Having now built a loyal fan base of Nice customers, and with over 7,500 distribution points, we know there’s space for the Nice brand within the bottles category. We’re here to offer consumers a great looking brand with clear messaging allowing more people to enjoy our quality wines, however, wherever and with whoever they want to."
Trend Themes
1. Woman-led Wine Brands - Nice Wines' identity as a woman-led business highlights the growing trend of female empowerment in the wine industry.
2. Convenience-based Wine Packaging - The shift from canned and boxed wines to bottled varieties by Nice Wines showcases the trend towards offering consumers various convenient wine packaging options.
3. Clear Messaging in Wine Branding - Nice Wines' focus on clear messaging for their bottled wines reflects the increasing importance of transparent and straightforward branding in the alcohol sector.
Industry Implications
1. Wine Retail - The introduction of bottled wines by Nice Wines opens up new opportunities in the retail industry for carrying diverse and consumer-friendly wine packaging options.
2. Alcohol Beverage - Nice Wines' broad range of wine types and packaging reflects trends within the evolving alcoholic beverage industry aiming to meet diverse consumer preferences.
3. Female Entrepreneurs - The success of Nice Wines, a woman-led company, demonstrates significant growth and opportunities within industries supporting female entrepreneurship.

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