Tipsy Tilted Shooters

Martini Glass Jello Shots are a Grownup's Answer to the Old College Standby

Leave your college days behind and party grownup style with these Martini Glass Jello Shots. Found on the beautiful blog 'Love U Madly,' these slightly tipsy takes on the sorority house favorite are all grown up and ready for slurping. These classy shooters are incredibly adaptable; the method can be applied to anyone of your favorite jello shot recipes.

Now you can enjoy the jiggling fruity taste of alcoholic gelatine without committing yourself to an ill-fated round of beer pong. These gravity defying treats are created by using stemless martini glasses positioned in a tilted fashion in the slots of a muffin tin or cupcake pan. Once set, these Martini Glass Jello Shots look like they're ready to leap out of the glass to greet your waiting tastebuds.

Fun-loving, unexpected and, yes, a little more mature, these slanted shots will help you get your drink on with style.
Trend Themes
1. Gourmet Jello Shots - Opportunity for bars or catering companies to create new and extravagant jello shot recipes for adult consumption.
2. Upscale Cocktail Culture - Opportunity for bars and restaurants to incorporate unique and playful twists on classic drinks to appeal to a more mature clientele.
3. DIY Mixology - Opportunity for online marketplaces to sell creative and unique decanters, glassware and accessories to encourage at-home mixology experimentation.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Manufacturing - Opportunity for manufacturers to create customized gelatin mixes infused with unique flavors and colors for premium jello shot experiences.
2. Event Planning and Catering - Opportunity for event planners and caterers to add Martini Glass Jello Shots to their menus as fun and unexpected gourmet drinks for events.
3. Gourmet Home Cooking and Baking - Opportunity for gourmet baking and cooking companies to create baking kits with all necessary ingredients and tools for customers to make Martini Glass Jello Shots at home.

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