Vitamin Shot Stalls

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Plenish Set Up a Little Shot Shop Staffed by Knowledgeable Kids

Motivated by research that says British schoolchildren are more knowledgeable than adults when it comes to vitamins, Plenish set up a Little Shot Shop staffed by kids. Plenish's survey revealed that one in five British school children could correctly identify the 13 essential vitamins but just 5% of adults could do the same.

At the Little Shot Shop set up on Portobello Road, the kids quizzed passersby and gave out wellness shots from the brand's lineup like Ginger Immunity and Mango Sunshine, which provide 100% of daily Vitamin C and D, respectively.

Plenish also set up an online vitamin quiz so that adults can test what they know to be true about vitamins. One in 10 adults think ketchup is included in the recommended five-a-day and one in four believes broccoli is a protein.
Trend Themes
1. Youth-led Health Initiatives - The trend leverages the surprising depth of knowledge in young demographics to educate and engage the public on essential health topics.
2. Interactive Health Experiences - Companies are creating gamified educational setups like quizzes and in-person interactions to promote health awareness and customer engagement.
3. Targeted Vitamin Supplements - Brands are offering specialized wellness shots that target specific daily nutritional needs, capitalizing on the increasing consumer demand for personalized health solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - This industry is ripe for innovations that utilize both digital and physical platforms for enhanced consumer education and engagement.
2. Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) - With rising consumer interest in personalized and convenient health solutions, this sector can explore single-serve and targeted nutritional products.
3. Edtech - By integrating interactive and educational content into their platforms, companies in the education technology industry can address health literacy gaps across various age groups.

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