Directly Sourced Sustainable Coffees

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BIGGBY Partnered with La Fortaleza on a Farm-Direct Blend

BIGGBY COFFEE is continuing its mission to exclusively use farm-direct coffee by 2028 by introducing a new Farm-Direct blend with its partner, La Fortaleza.

For several years now, BIGGBY COFFEE has been on a mission to support more humane and more sustainable coffee farming. And now, thanks to its partnership with La Fortaleza, BIGGBY COFFEE marks the halfway point in its mission to be 100% farm-direct by 2028.

The newest Farm-Direct blend is a medium roast with beans sourced from Chiapas, Mexico. It will be available by the cup at your local BIGGBY COFFEE coffeehouses, as well as for purchase by the bag. As Co-Founder Michelle Fish explains, "The vast majority of American consumers have no idea where coffee comes from. But more importantly, they have no idea who grows it... We believe that, if consumers have a sense of who these people are, that’s enough to change their buying behavior."
Trend Themes
1. Farm-direct Coffee Sourcing - By establishing direct relationships with coffee farmers, brands can ensure more transparent and sustainable sourcing practices.
2. Consumer Awareness Campaigns - Educating consumers about the origins and human stories behind their products can significantly influence purchasing decisions.
3. Sustainable Coffee Initiatives - Brands committed to sustainable practices are aligning with global efforts to promote environmentally friendly and ethically responsible farming methods.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee Production - Innovations in farm-direct sourcing can revitalize the coffee industry with new ethical and sustainable standards.
2. Retail Coffee Chains - Coffeehouses can build stronger customer loyalty by offering products that support sustainable farming and fair trade practices.
3. Agricultural Technology - Continued advancement in agricultural tech can enhance the traceability and sustainability of crop production, benefiting both producers and consumers.

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