Regenerative Grain Lagers

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Patagonia Provisions and Deschutes Brewery Created Kernza Lager

Patagonia Provisions and Deschutes Brewery joined forces to launch Kernza Lager and the Non-Alcoholic Kernza Golden Brew (which comes in at under 0.5% ABV,) both of which are made with a regenerative grain that supports soil restoration and healthy ecosystems.

The two certified organic brews made with Kernza both fight the climate crisps and spotlight regenerative organic agriculture for a more resilient future. These change-making alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers aim to bring more Regenerative Organic Certified and organic ingredients to beer, and spark an industry shift toward more responsible practices.

Food and beverage brands embracing regenerative ingredients are paving the way for a more sustainable industry by nurturing soil health and reducing environmental impact to bolster a thriving ecosystem for future generations.
Trend Themes
1. Regenerative Agriculture Integration - Companies incorporating regenerative grains in their products can significantly improve soil health and contribute to environmental sustainability.
2. Non-alcoholic Craft Beverages - The rise in non-alcoholic craft brews presents a fresh market for health-conscious consumers seeking quality taste without the alcohol content.
3. Certified Organic Ingredients - Utilizing certified organic ingredients in brewing showcases a commitment to organic agriculture, appealing to eco-conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Beer Industry - Innovation in brewing methods and ingredients is reshaping the craft beer industry to be more sustainable and health-oriented.
2. Sustainable Agriculture - The emphasis on regenerative grains spotlights the sustainable agriculture industry’s role in combating climate change and promoting soil health.
3. Organic Food and Beverage - The push for organic certification in food and beverages is growing, highlighting a sector dedicated to organic and environmentally friendly farming practices.

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