Career-Seeking Infographics

'Where the Start Up Jobs Are' Statistics Gives Advice on Job Hunting

Job hunting brings people all over the world. Some are successful, while others resort to turning over a new leaf and infiltrating a new industry.

This infographic, entitled 'Where the Start Up Jobs Are,' is created by the career searching website StartUpHire. The graphs break down information to help users get a better understanding of where the best jobs are located. In addition to that, there are comparisons of each American State divided up to reveal its job posts, opportunities and state of growth.

No wonder everybody flocks to California to land a career. Actors beware, California's highest job occupation is not on stage or in the studios; it belongs to software and IT positions that make up almost 66 per cent. StartUpHire's inforgraphic will hopefully give a taste of the success that will come for job seekers.
Trend Themes
1. Career-seeking Infographics - Career searching websites are using infographics to help job seekers find the best jobs.
2. Start-up Job Trends - StartUpHire's 'Where the Start Up Jobs Are' infographic highlights industry trends for job seekers.
3. State-by-state Job Comparisons - StartUpHire's infographic also provides state-by-state job comparisons for job seekers.
Industry Implications
1. Career Search Platforms - Innovative career search platforms that use data visualization to assist job seekers could revolutionize the industry.
2. Professional Networking Platforms - Professional networking platforms could incorporate targeted job search based on location and industry trends.
3. Data Visualization Companies - Data visualization companies that specialize in creating compelling infographics for job seekers could fill a unique niche in the market.

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