Jeremy Gutsche, our Chief Trend Hunter, was on Entertainment Tonight for the third time. He was explaining some of the hot celebrity tech trends and gadgets for 2009.
In this appearance, we were excited to see the Trend Hunter website on screen as ET noted, "Through, Jeremy Gutsche spots the hottest trends."
The appearance was Jeremy’s personal favorite since he was able to play the drums on tv, albeit for just for the very last part.
Entertainment Tonight: Jeremy Gutsche on Celeb Tech Trends
Entertainment Tonight: Jeremy Gutsche On Celeb Tech Trends
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Tech Trends - Identify and capitalize on the latest technology trends favored by celebrities.
2. Hot Gadgets for 2009 - Discover and leverage the most popular gadgets of 2009 for business opportunities.
3. Trend Spotting - Utilize trend spotting platforms like to stay ahead of the curve in identifying new trends.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Explore innovative ways to incorporate celebrity tech trends and popular gadgets into new technology products or services.
2. Entertainment - Leverage celebrity endorsements and trends to create entertaining content or experiences.
3. Market Research - Use trend spotting platforms and analysis to inform market research strategies and seize disruptive innovation opportunities.