Internet overtakes TV in Britain

Internet Overtakes TV In Britain

time on the Internet than watching television, according to a survey published by Internet search engine Google.

The report showed that British Internet users spend an average of 164 minutes online daily â€" the equivalent of 41 days a year â€" compared to 148 minutes watching television. Men spend on average 172 minutes on the web daily, and women 156 minutes.

Londoners and Scots are the most dedicated net users, according to the survey, carried out by the TNS institute last month involving 1,030 adults aged 16 to 64. A major activity is online shopping, which accounts for an average annual spend of £446 (650 euros, $780) per user. The increasing use of computers at the workplace coupled with improved technology allowing broadband connections in private homes are the main reasons for the Internet's domination, the report said.
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Internet Usage - The growing trend of spending more time on the internet than watching television presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to develop and enhance online platforms and services.
2. Online Shopping Boom - The rise in online shopping activities creates disruptive innovation opportunities in the e-commerce industry, as companies can develop advanced technologies and strategies to improve the online shopping experience.
3. Broadband Connectivity - The increasing availability of broadband connections in private homes offers disruptive innovation opportunities for telecommunications companies to develop faster and more reliable internet services.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry can leverage the trend of increasing internet usage to develop innovative products, services, and platforms that cater to the growing online user base.
2. E-commerce - The e-commerce industry can capitalize on the online shopping boom by implementing disruptive innovations such as personalized recommendations, frictionless payments, and optimized supply chain management.
3. Telecommunications - The telecommunications industry can seize disruptive innovation opportunities by investing in advanced infrastructure and technologies to improve and expand broadband connectivity for a seamless internet experience.

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