Cold-Pressed Bar Plant Proteins

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Ingredion Vitessence Pea 100 HD Pea Protein Helps Maintain Texture

The Ingredion Vitessence Pea 100 HD pea protein is a new plant-based protein solution optimized for use in cold-pressed bars to support their specific taste and texture requirements.

The ingredient will help bars to maintain their softness throughout their shelf life to ensure a consistent texture alongside expected sensory attributes. The ingredient also adds in additional nutritional value to help boost consumer preference for products with it in the mix. The protein won't cause gritty, powdery, dry or chalky textures to be observed and delivers a minimum of 84% protein in its dry state to help support good or excellent source of protein claims by manufacturers.

Director Global Segment Marketing, Healthful Solutions Protein Fortification Tara Kozlowich spoke on the Ingredion Vitessence Pea 100 HD pea protein saying, "Ingredion developed Vitessence Pea 100 HD to reduce the challenges cold-pressed bar manufacturers have and help them find ways to build product superiority in areas that matter to consumers, especially in the area of texture, which is a significant contributor to liking."
Trend Themes
1. High-performance Plant Proteins - Ingredion's Vitessence Pea 100 HD protein ensures superior texture and nutritional value for cold-pressed bars, addressing key consumer preferences.
2. Texture-optimized Ingredients - Utilizing Ingredion's advanced formulation, cold-pressed bars can maintain softness and avoid common texture issues like grittiness or dryness, enhancing consumer appeal.
3. Nutrient-boosted Snacks - The integration of high-protein ingredients like Vitessence Pea 100 HD offers an opportunity to develop snacks that serve as a good or excellent source of protein, meeting growing nutritional demands.
Industry Implications
1. Health Food Manufacturing - Health food manufacturers can leverage innovative pea protein solutions to create differentiated and superior products in the competitive wellness market.
2. Snack Foods - The snack food industry can benefit from texture and nutritional enhancements offered by Ingredion's specialized plant proteins, appealing to texture-conscious consumers.
3. Functional Ingredients - Producers of functional ingredients can explore opportunities in developing more versatile, high-protein options that address texture and sensory challenges in various food products.

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