Juicy THC Cocktails

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Sunset Spritz Hemp THC Cocktails are Zero-Proof & Low in Sugar and Calories

Flyers Cocktail Company's best-selling Apéro Spritz flavor built the foundation for the all-new Sunset Spritz Hemp THC Cocktails, specifically created with summertime drinking occasions in mind. Whether they're packed to be enjoyed at the beach, the park or the rooftop, these hemp THC cocktails meet the changing preferences of drinkers with zero-proof formulas, low sugar content and just 30 calories.

The boldly colored 12-ounce ready-to-drink cans share a taste of real juice with vibrant varieties like Mango Guava, Grapefruit Lime and Watermelon Mint flavors, which are elevated with deliciously complex notes of white wine flavor that fans know and love from Apéro Spritz.

At the San Francisco Ready-To-Drink Competition, Flyers Cocktail Company's zero-proof Sunset Spritz Hemp THC Cocktails were awarded Gold and Silver medals.
Trend Themes
1. Zero-proof THC Beverages - The rise of zero-proof THC beverages caters to consumers seeking healthier, non-alcoholic alternatives for social occasions.
2. Low-calorie Cannabis Drinks - As health-conscious drinkers increase, low-calorie cannabis drinks present an appealing substitute to traditional high-calorie alcoholic beverages.
3. Flavor-infused Hemp Cocktails - Flavor-infused hemp cocktails are gaining traction with enticing combinations that offer a sophisticated drinking experience without alcohol.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Beverages - The cannabis beverage industry is expanding rapidly with innovative products that blend health benefits and flavorful drink options.
2. Non-alcoholic Drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks offer disruptive innovation opportunities by meeting the growing demand for sophisticated, alcohol-free alternatives.
3. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry is embracing cannabis-infused products that promise low calories and health benefits.

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