Villain Victory Posters

These Posters Bring Us to a World Where Harry Potter Loses

What would a world where Harry Potter loses look like? The titular character of one of the world's biggest franchises conquered his foe in reality, but these alternate reality shots take a different look at the story.

deathbystapler and Imgur user created these bleak, dystopian photos of the Harry Potter crew being arrested and propaganda-esque photos of Voldemort and the rest of the villains from the series brainwashing the public into siding with them. Harry Potter's bounty is ridiculously high and double the 'Galleons' count of the next in line, Draco Malfoy.

The photos are a dark sepia-like tone and show the hopelessness of the situation. The propaganda-like photos are also accurate to real-life propaganda photos from previous generations. The photos look realistic and we even get to see the current Neville Longbottom who looks much more suave than we remember.
Trend Themes
1. Alternate Reality Propaganda - Exploring alternate realities and creating propaganda-style materials for well-known stories or franchises can create a new dimension of engagement and immersion for fans.
2. Bleak Dystopian Imagery - Creating dark, dystopian images of well-known stories or franchises can create a new level of interest and intrigue for fans, as well as offer a unique perspective and creativity for storytelling.
3. Realistic Fan Art - Realistic fan art can offer a new level of appreciation and engagement for fans of well-known stories or franchises, while also allowing for creative exploration and reinterpretation of characters and storylines.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage these trends for engagement and fan interaction, potentially creating new merchandise, experiences, or storylines.
2. Advertising/marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can use these trends as inspiration for unique and creative promotional materials that capture audiences' attention and convey a message in an innovative way.
3. Art & Design - The art and design industry can explore these trends as a source of inspiration for new forms of expression and exploration, as well as potentially integrating realistic fan art into mainstream art exhibits and collections.

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