Crowdsurfer Workout Classes

Gym Box and Stubhub Teamed Up to Offer a 'Crowd Surf Ready' Class

Music and workouts usually go hand-in-hand, but in this case, it won't be quite what you'd expect. Gym Box recently teamed up with Stubhub to launch a 'Crowd Surf Ready' class that makes it possible for music lovers to prepare themselves for the ultimate concert experience by training themselves to be strong lifters and crowd surfers.

The cardio- and strength-focused class also offers a few tips on perfecting one's crowd surfing maneuvers. For instance, the Gymbox legend and Mechanical Engineering PhD student, Firas Iskandarani who developed the unique class studied the gravitational physics of crowd surfing. He notes: "After a few bevvies, you may be feeling a bit floppy, but the most important thing when you crowd surf is to keep your body straight."
Trend Themes
1. Music-focused Workout Classes - Gyms can incorporate music-themed classes to attract music lovers who also love to workout.
2. Specialized Fitness Training - Fitness studios can create specialized training programs for unique experiences and reach niche audiences.
3. Incorporating Physics in Workouts - Fitness instructors can incorporate physics concepts in workout routines to make it more interesting and engaging.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness - Fitness industry can create classes that cater to music lovers who want a unique workout experience.
2. Music Events - Music event organizers can partner with gyms to promote 'crowd surf ready' classes to attendees prior to a concert.
3. Education - Instructors can develop courses that utilize physics in various fields, including exercise and workouts.

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