Allergy-Friendly Pizza Dough

Wholly Wholesome's Gluten-Free Pizza Dough is Conveniently Pre-Made

While there are plenty of gluten-free pizza dough mixes on the market that cater to those with allergies and sensitivities, these products still require some ingredient additions and mixing. Wholly Wholesome is now offering a more convenient allergy-friendly pizza dough to consumers in a pre-made format.

The Gluten-Free Pizza Dough from the company excludes ingredients like nuts, soy, dairy, making it a Kosher and vegan-friendly option for consumers who desire a quick and easy way to prepare a pizza at home. In all, the dough is free from eight of the most common allergens and is created in a dedicated allergy-friendly facility. In place of regular flour, the dough ball uses a blend of organic white rice flour and potato flour.

Recently, Wholly Wholesome's Gluten-Free Pizza Dough and its Gluten-Free Pie Shells received Non-GMO Project Verification.
Trend Themes
1. Convenient Allergy-friendly Products - The trend of offering pre-made allergy-friendly products provides convenience for consumers with allergies or sensitivities.
2. Dedicated Allergy-friendly Facilities - The trend of creating dedicated facilities for allergy-friendly products ensures product safety for consumers with severe allergies.
3. Non-gmo Verification - The trend of obtaining Non-GMO Project Verification adds value and trust to gluten-free and allergy-friendly products.
Industry Implications
1. Gluten-free Food Industry - The gluten-free food industry can capitalize on the demand for easy-to-use and allergen-free pizza dough options.
2. Food Manufacturing Industry - The food manufacturing industry can explore the creation of dedicated facilities to meet the increasing demand for allergy-friendly products.
3. Certification and Verification Industry - The certification and verification industry can offer services to support the Non-GMO verification process for gluten-free and allergy-friendly products.

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