Recyclable Bagged Mocktails

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Walton Wood Farm's Gin Twist Cocktail Mix is Fully Recyclable

Walton Wood Farms launched the 'Gin Twist' mocktail drink mix kit. This kit is packaged in a single bag which is 100% recyclable. This means consumers can feel good about their purchase for more than one reason. A single Gin Twist bag offers enough ingredients for 22 servings, customers need only add soda water or tonic water. Additionally, for customers who prefer alcoholic cocktails, this drink mix works with a variety of liquors, including rum, tequila, gin, and more.

The Gin Twist is made with sugar, citric acid, tangerine juice, cherry, goji berries, lime oil, cane syrup, and more. Walton Wood Farm's Gin Twist retails for $19.99 CAD through the MyOtherChild third-party website. However, shipping is charged for small orders under $150.
Trend Themes
1. Recyclable Beverage Packaging - Developing recyclable packaging solutions for beverages can help companies reduce waste and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.
2. Mocktail Mix Kits - Creating DIY mocktail kits that feature unique flavor combinations and easy-to-follow instructions can help meet the demand for low-alcohol drink options.
3. Multi-use Drink Mixes - Expanding the versatility of drink mixes to include a variety of spirits can widen the customer base for these products and provide new and innovative cocktail options for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Developing new product packaging and drink mixes can help beverage companies stay competitive and appeal to evolving consumer tastes.
2. Hospitality - Offering affordable and convenient mocktail mix kits can help hotels and bars provide creative, low-alcohol drink options to their customers.
3. Retail - Providing customers with unique and innovative drink mixes that can be used for multiple occasions and with different spirits can help retailers stand out in a crowded market.

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