Couples-Friendly Finance Events

Financially Ever After Helps Couples Talk About Money

Countless people are now experiencing increased pressure on their finances and relationships as a result of COVID-19 and Financially Ever After is a digital event presented by SoFi that aims to get couples talking about their finances. Although money can be a touchy subject in general, and especially so within a partnership, it can generate more stress if it's not clear where both partners are coming from and their priorities.

The digital event with Lauren and Cameron from Netflix’s Love is Blind and special guest relationship therapist Esther Perel dives into real challenges faced by real couples and helps to address the way people have seen their finances and relationships impacted in unexpected ways.
Trend Themes
1. Couple Finance Talks - Digital events, workshops, and seminars that provide a platform for couples dealing with financial concerns to talk freely about their financial plans and get professional advice.
2. Online Finance Therapy for Couples - Digital financial therapy resources and platforms that help couples discuss their finances, enhance their communication skills, and develop healthy financial habits.
3. Fintech Tools for Couples' Money Matters - Digital financial management tools and services that help couples handle their finances, invest their money, and plan their financial goals together more efficiently.
Industry Implications
1. Finance - Finance industry players can develop customized financial planning solutions and targeted communication strategies that cater to the unique needs and preferences of couples.
2. Therapy - Therapy industry players can leverage technology to provide high-quality, accessible, and tailored financial therapy services to couples struggling with money issues or facing financial stress related to COVID-19.
3. Technology - Technology industry players can create innovative platforms and tools that enable couples to track their finances, automate their budgeting, and monitor their investments jointly and seamlessly, regardless of their location or time zone.

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