Savory Autumn Ice Creams

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Jeni's Fall Ice Cream Range Plays with Herbaceous & Umami Flavors

As summer gives way to a season with cooler, crisper days that invite cozy sweaters and warm beverages, Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams unveiled a fall ice cream range that invites people to taste all the best flavors autumn has to offer. The Fall Collection by Jeni's plays with overlooked ingredients and trades seasonal favorites like pumpkin spice for pumpkin seeds, or vanilla for bay leaf. These refreshingly different fall ice cream flavors offer as much comfort as ever but with a novel twist that captures the fleeting nature of the last few months of the year.

Bay Leaf Cheesecake is one standout flavor that pairs herbaceous cream cheese ice cream with a graham cracker swirl. Another unexpected savory addition to the collection is Miso Butterscotch Brownie with an umami ice cream and decadent, fudgy bites.
Trend Themes
1. Herb-infused Desserts - Ice cream flavors infused with herbs like bay leaf are creating new taste experiences that blend the savory and sweet culinary worlds.
2. Umami in Sweets - The introduction of umami-rich ingredients such as miso into traditionally sweet treats like ice cream is expanding the flavor profiles of desserts.
3. Alternative Autumn Flavors - Swapping conventional fall flavors like pumpkin spice for more innovative ingredients like pumpkin seeds reflects a shift towards unique seasonal offerings.
Industry Implications
1. Gourmet Ice Cream - The incorporation of unconventional ingredients like herbs and umami elements is driving innovation in the premium ice cream market.
2. Flavor Enhancement - Exploring new savory and herbaceous flavors in desserts represents a growth area within the broader food flavoring industry.
3. Seasonal Food Products - Developing unique seasonal items with non-traditional fall ingredients is revolutionizing how consumers experience and enjoy autumn flavors.

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