Makeup artists at the fore of the fashion world have carved out new specialties. Technological breakthroughs have assisted the growth of these specialties, allowing for a surge in digital eyelid transformations. Gender-bending beautorials have also become commonplace, featuring simple facial tweaks that somehow blur the lines between man and woman. The Eyeshadow Trend Report categorizes these epic displays of talent, now ready to be divulged by photographers and stylists.
Cosmetic brands have released powdered lines that rehash retro 60s, 70s and 80s looks, launching campaigns dripping in liquid liner and gold sparkles. Rainbow eyelids and press-on makeup tool kits have also caught the attention of audacious makeup enthusiasts, and these sales have been accommodated by online shopping sites. These aesthetic products are taking women and men along a new course, largely to the benefit of international trailblazers.
Eyeshadow Trend Report
Take Inventory of Forward-Thinking Cosmetic Lines
Trend Themes
1. Digital Eyelid Transformations - There is opportunity for cosmetic brands to create innovative eyeshadow products and tools that cater to digital eyelid transformations.
2. Gender-bending Beautorials - Brands can focus on inclusive marketing and create products that are gender-neutral to appeal to the growing market of consumers interested in gender-bending beautorials.
3. Retro Makeup Revival - There is an opportunity for cosmetic brands to revive and update the retro 60s, 70s and 80s looks with new technology and innovation in products.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics - Cosmetic brands can focus on innovation and inclusivity to cater to the growing market of consumers interested in new makeup trends such as digital eyelid transformations and gender-bending beautorials.
2. Fashion Photography - Fashion photographers can become early adopters of new trends in makeup and use them to create innovative and creative styles.
3. E-commerce - Online shopping sites can cater to the growing market of consumers interested in new makeup trends such as rainbow eyelids and press-on makeup tool kits by creating a seamless shopping experience.