Bagel-Flavored Cheeses

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Everything Bagel Style is The Laughing Cow's First Limited-Edition Flavor

The everything bagel has evolved into a flavor phenomenon in its own right, offering a beloved blend of seeds and seasonings that infuses a distinctive taste into everything from snacks to seasonings, so much so that it inspired Everything Bagel Style, the first-ever limited-edition flavor from The Laughing Cow.

The Laughing Cow's Everything Bagel Style flavor shares the irresistible savory taste of garlic, sesame and poppy seed flavors with the creaminess fans know, love and crave from its lineup of individually wrapped snackable cheese wedges.

Although most everything bagel-flavored products on the market are limited to the cracker, chip and pretzel categories, The Laughing Cow saw the chance to make a mark in a different category with its latest limited-time offering.
Trend Themes
1. Flavor Hybrid Innovations - Combining the beloved everything bagel seasoning with creamy cheese yields a unique gastronomic experience that is both nostalgic and novel.
2. Limited-edition Product Launches - The introduction of limited-edition bagel-flavored cheese can create urgency and exclusivity, driving short-term spikes in consumer demand.
3. Cross-category Flavor Adaptations - Extending popular flavors like everything bagel into non-traditional categories such as cheese opens up new market potential and variety for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Snack Foods - The expansion of everything bagel flavors into cheese snacks enhances the diversity and appeal of the snack aisle.
2. Dairy Products - Introducing new and trendy flavors within dairy products helps revive consumer interest in traditional food categories.
3. Gourmet and Specialty Foods - Creating unique, limited-edition flavored cheeses positions specialty and gourmet food brands as innovative and trendsetting.

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