Tropically Flavored Drinkable Yogurts

Pillars' Drinkable Greek Yogurt Now Comes in Coconut & Mango

Pillars Yogurt recently expanded its collection of drinkable Greek yogurt products with two new tropical, exotic flavors. The Coconut and Mango drinkable yogurts are rich sources of both prebiotics and probiotics, as well as protein. The all-natural, non-GMO yogurt beverages are sourced from grass-fed cows and contain just 100 calories with five grams of sugar.

Pillars Yogurt's new flavors are now building upon its existing drinkable Greek yogurt range, which includes flavors like Strawberry & Banana, Vanilla, Mango, Mixed Berry, as well as a Plain option.

Over the past few years, a focus on gut health and the vital role the digestive system plays in supporting the health of the entire body has increased the sales of probiotic drinks, especially as consumers look for healthier soft drink alternatives and beverages with functional benefits.
Trend Themes
1. Drinkable Yogurt in Tropical Flavors - The demand for probiotic and prebiotic-rich beverages paired with exotic flavors is on the rise.
2. Functional Beverages for Gut Health - There is a growing need for functional beverages that aid in improving gut health.
3. Non-gmo and Grass-fed Products - Consumers are increasingly favoring products made with natural ingredients such as non-GMO and grass-fed sources.
Industry Implications
1. Dairy Industry - Dairy companies can leverage this trend by expanding their product portfolio of functional and flavorful drinkable yogurts.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The use of pre and probiotics as functional ingredients is a ripe opportunity for companies in the health and wellness industry.
3. Natural Foods Industry - Marketers of natural, non-GMO and grass-fed products can take advantage of this trend by providing consumers with more wholesome, functional beverage options.

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