Unclean Cooking Videos

The Awareness-Raising 'Dirty Dishes' Recipes are Made with Unsanitary Water

Cornbread, lemonade and smoothie bowls are a few of the recipes that can be made through the 'Dirty Dishes' recipes from Charity: Water and Buzzfeed. These step-by-step recipes make use of simple and fairly standard ingredients, except for one that is very hard to come by for a lot of people. These recipe videos are designed to bring light to the issue that millions of people around the world live without access to clean drinking water. As a result, these recipes are made with dirty brown water and include instructions like: "serve with antibiotics" or "serve with a stomach pump."

As part of the Fight Dirty campaign, these Tasty Videos for Charity: Water will run on the BuzzFeed Partner Facebook page and BuzzFeed's Discover channel on Snapchat.
Trend Themes
1. Awareness-raising Cooking - The use of cooking as a tool to raise awareness for social issues.
2. Crises-driven Recipes - The creation of recipes that highlight the challenges of a particular crisis, such as lack of access to clean water.
3. Edutainment Food Videos - The use of educational and entertaining food videos to create awareness around social issues.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunities for food and beverage companies to partner with social organizations and create recipes that raise awareness around social issues.
2. Social Awareness - Incorporating social issues into advertising campaigns for brands and leveraging influencers to spread awareness through social media.
3. Non-profit - The use of creative and entertaining ways to raise awareness for social issues and engage the public in their cause.

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