Diabetic Meal Plans

BetterMe's Plans for World Diabetes Day Help to Keep Blood Sugar Stable

For World Diabetes Day in November, the BetterMe: Health Coaching app released Diabetic Meal Plans for two types of diabetes, plus a diabetes awareness campaign within the app. Since type 2 diabetes can be delayed, prevented and in some cases, reversed with lifestyle changes, these meal plans help to support healthier choices and blood sugar stabilization.

The meals created by BetterMe include support for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and they follow recommendations from the American Diabetes Association. Using the Diabetes Plate Method, BetterMe assembled meals consisting of half a plate of non-starchy vegetables, a quarter plate of lean proteins and a quarter plate with carbs. According to BetterMe Health Coaching, "Using this method, you can create diabetes-friendly meals without the hassle of counting, calculating, weighing, or measuring."
Trend Themes
1. Diabetic Meal Plans - Meal planning services designed for type 1 and type 2 diabetes will continue to grow in demand for both prevention and management purposes
2. Lifestyle Changes - Apps that support lifestyle changes for diabetes patients will continue to gain traction as people look for convenient and personalized solutions
3. Diabetes Awareness Campaigns - There will be more opportunities for technology companies to create and execute awareness campaigns that encourage diabetes prevention and healthy living
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness Apps - The health and wellness app industry has the opportunity to create and market personalized meal planning services that address the specific needs of diabetes patients
2. Digital Nutritionists - Digital nutritionist services can be developed and marketed to diabetes patients to provide personalized meal plans and coaching for better diabetes management
3. Preventive Healthcare - Preventive healthcare companies can develop targeted awareness campaigns to promote healthy living and diabetes prevention

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