Limited-Edition Storytelling Gins

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Sipsmith's Dear Low Dykes Gin Was Inspired by a Childhood Home

Sipsmith collaborated with the winner of its inaugural cocktail competition to create the limited-edition Dear Low Dykes gin. Bartender Sam Wilkes-Green beat five other finalists and was named the winner of Sipsmith’s inaugural UK cocktail competition, Cygnus, last year. Wilkes-Green’s signature Dear Low Dykes serve combined Sipsmith VJOP and Sipsmith Lemon Drizzle Gin with homemade apple and bay leaf cordial, clover honey, peppercorn distillate and Crémant de Loire sparkling wine.

Inspired by Sam Wilkes-Green’s childhood home, Dear Low-Dykes Gin plays with ingredients and flavors reminiscent of Low Dykes Barn in Cumbria, England. Bay leaf, bee pollen, black, green and pink peppercorns, plus grapefruit and lemon peels were used to create this storytelling Sipsmith gin.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Spirits Creations - The trend of personalized spirits, exemplified by Dear Low Dykes gin, allows for deep connections with consumers through unique and meaningful flavors.
2. Collaborative Competitions - Collaborative competitions in the spirits industry offer innovative avenues for emerging bartenders to showcase their creativity and craft.
3. Childhood-inspired Ingredients - Integrating childhood-inspired ingredients into products taps into consumer nostalgia, creating emotionally resonant and distinctive offerings.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The alcoholic beverages industry benefits from limited-edition and personalized products that draw on unique narratives and innovative ingredients.
2. Specialty Food and Drink - Specialty food and drink markets are increasingly favoring products that offer unique flavor profiles and storytelling elements.
3. Event and Competition Planning - Event and competition planning industries can find new opportunities by organizing contests that lead to the creation of exclusive products.

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