Bottled Milkshake Mixes

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Crusha's Refreshed Identity Appeals to a New Generation

Crusha, a brand synonymous with milkshake syrups since the 1950s is repositioning itself with a refreshed visual identity to captivate a new generation of consumers and preserve its nostalgic charm. To update its image and revive its youthful spirit and irreverent personality, the brand collaborated with strategic brand design studio Outlaw.

The new look for Crusha leans into the style of classic diner milkshakes, tall glasses, striped straws and thick formulas. For this project, Outlaw worked with a local illustrator to give Errol the cat a cool new appearance.

The authentic, original milkshake syrup brand makes it easy for consumers of all ages to enjoy an at-home milkshake experience with its bottled milkshake mixes in timeless flavors like chocolate and strawberry.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgia-inspired Packaging - Brands are embracing nostalgia in their packaging designs to connect with both new and older generations.
2. Illustrator Collaborations - Collaborating with local illustrators is becoming a popular strategy to create unique and personalized brand identities.
3. At-home Beverage Experiences - Consumers are seeking convenient, high-quality at-home beverage solutions that replicate the traditional dining experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry is exploring new methods to modernize classic products while maintaining their nostalgic value.
2. Brand Design - Brand design services are increasingly focusing on refreshing vintage brands to appeal to contemporary audiences.
3. Home Convenience Products - Products enabling consumers to recreate gourmet or café-style experiences at home are gaining traction in the home convenience market.

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