Barista-Approved Coffee Milks

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Trewithen Dairy Cornish Barista Milk Creates Rich Micro-Foam

The Trewithen Dairy Cornish Barista Milk has been launched by the brand into Tesco locations in the UK as a new product that's perfect for use when creating an array of coffee-based beverages.

The milk was created through partnership with baristas as well as industry experts to help formulate the milk to ensure the optimal production of micro-foam when using a steam wand. The milk thus has a smooth finish with a creamy taste with a naturally high protein level of a 4% fat content.

The Trewithen Dairy Cornish Barista Milk is priced at £1.59 for one-liter jugs and is reported to contain no thickeners, gums, colors, preservatives, pastes, stabilizers or oils traditionally found in plant-based barista milk alternatives. The product is touted by the brand as being a first of its kind in the market.
Trend Themes
1. Barista-collaborated Dairy Products - Partnerships between dairy producers and baristas drive innovation in milk formulations optimized for coffee.
2. Micro-foam Enhancing Milks - Specialty dairy products engineered to produce optimal micro-foam offer superior textural experiences in coffee beverages.
3. Natural Ingredient Dairy Offerings - Dairy products devoid of thickeners, gums, and preservatives cater to consumer demand for clean, simple ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Dairy Industry - Incorporating professional barista insights into product development enhances the appeal of traditional milk in specialty markets.
2. Coffee Industry - Special milk formulations contribute to the evolution of coffee brewing techniques and beverage quality.
3. Retail Food Industry - Introduction of barista-approved dairy products in supermarkets simplifies the process for consumers to create café-quality drinks at home.

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