A ‘condom a cappella’ ringtone featured in an Indian ad musically chants "condom, condom" repeatedly at a wedding reception scene. The guests did not act shocked but reacted positively to responsible behaviour implied by the condom ringtone - "a winner".
The public service campaign ad was produced by the BBC World Service Trust. Funding for the project came from the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation. The objective of the campaign is to reduce the transmission of the AIDS virus by making condom use more socially acceptable. According to Associated Press," Nearly 2.5 million people in India are infected with HIV and the disease is still largely taboo."
As 270 million people in India do use cell phones and ring tones, the ad will have a broad audience.
Download the ringtone for free from condomcondom.org.
Ringtones for AIDS Awareness
Bill & Melinda Gates Funded Indian PSA
Trend Themes
1. PSA Campaigns for Societal Change - Using creative and innovative methods, public service campaigns are being developed to address important social issues like AIDS awareness.
2. Using Technology for Social Impact - Leveraging technology, such as ringtones, can effectively spread awareness and encourage positive behavior change within communities.
3. Mobile Marketing for Social Causes - Mobile phones and ringtone downloads provide an impactful platform for reaching a wide audience and engaging them in social causes.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit and Philanthropy - Non-profit organizations and philanthropic foundations can invest in creative campaigns and innovative technologies to drive positive social change.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Leveraging creative marketing strategies and mobile technologies can help advertising agencies effectively spread awareness and influence behavior for social causes.
3. Telecommunications - Telecommunication companies can partner with non-profit organizations to leverage their reach and technology to create impactful campaigns and initiatives for social causes.