Cody Turner, Trend Hunter (INTERVIEW)

Turner Explores Comedic Viral Videos and the Gangnam Style

Cody Turner, a summer 2012 intern at Trend Hunter, has a thing for comedic viral videos, just like most people with a sense of humor and Internet connection. Beyond his affinity for Gangnam Style and other viral videos of that nature, Turner is also a professional photographer and videographer. In September 2012, he had his work showcased at an art exhibition titled ‘Flinch,' which captured expressions of models just before they knowingly get hit in the face with various objects and liquids.

How do you define cool?

I define cool as anything that used to be cool back in the day and coming back into popularity now with twists on it. Using fashion for instance, taking old fashions and bringing them back today and switching them up and making them relevant. I think that's pretty cool.

What's your favorite trend and why?

My favorite trend would have to be comedic viral videos that are out there right now. A great example would have to be the record-breaking dance video from PSY of Gangnam Style. I'm sure everyone's heard of him. He's a big guy doing big stuff right now. Basically, the dude made one video, it was crazy and out there, and now he's all over the world and everyone knows who he is. Everyone's heard his song. There's a behind the scenes making of the video. I find that very interesting because I'm also a filmmaker who is working in the music industry. It's cool to see how this huge viral video that's out there now was made. How it became such a big thing. A lot of work was put into it with some crazy ideas. That's basically what it takes to make a huge video popular and famous. It's cool stuff.

What's your favorite accomplishment?

My favorite accomplishment would have to be the fact that while doing my internship at Trend Hunter, I was working on my own private solo exhibit. I had my own gallery opening during Nuit Blanche in Toronto. The solo exhibit I worked on was called 'Flinch' because it's comprised of my close friends being video taped in slow motion getting hit in the face with various objects. For example, I used watermelon and threw that at my friend's head. I threw paint, you name it, just the weirdest things I threw at my friends. My friends were very accepting of that and it turned out to be a cool little project with hundreds and hundreds of people showing up. I wasn't expecting that and it was pretty cool.

In what ways do you see the business world changing?

The most remarkable ways I see the business world changing would have to be product integration. Basically, companies are using product placements in their ads and their marketing campaigns, (pauses to take a long sip of Rockstar with Vodka energy drink, holding the logo to the camera) or anything that just tells them that they're working with other companies to put out a product (takes another sip).
Trend Themes
1. Comedic Viral Videos - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create new platforms or technologies for sharing and monetizing comedic viral videos.
2. Gangnam Style - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new ways to capitalize on the popularity and global reach of viral dance videos.
3. Product Integration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Find innovative ways to integrate products and brands into advertising and marketing campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Online Video Platforms - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build new platforms that cater specifically to comedic viral videos and provide monetization options for creators.
2. Entertainment and Music - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create unique experiences and platforms for promoting dance videos and viral music content.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new approaches for product integration in advertising and marketing campaigns, leveraging partnerships with other companies.

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