Charity-Funding Carnivals

Community Interest Company Circus Starr Uses Its Donated Ticket Schemes

Circus Starr is a Big Lottery Funded registered community interest company (CIC) and member of Social Enterprise UK. The organization was founded over 25 years ago but it was in 2011 that they became a CIC, which is essentially a business that uses its profits to further a social benefit.

The demographic that the community interest company attends to is typically those, mainly children, who normally wouldn't attend a circus show and often donates tickets. So far, over one million tickets has been donated through partnerships and sponsorships with businesses in the area. The team also raises money for charities through what they call their "Donated Ticket Scheme."

Contact Information
Circus Starr website
Circus Starr on Facebook
Circus Starr on Twitter
Trend Themes
1. Community Interest Tickets - Community interest companies can provide tickets for demographics that would not typically attend an event, with donated ticket schemes as a profit for social benefit.
2. Sponsorship Partnerships and Charity Fundraising - Partnerships and sponsorships with local businesses can facilitate charity fundraising for community interest companies.
3. Social Enterprise Innovation - Circus Starr's model of using profits for social benefit demonstrates the potential for successful social enterprise innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning - Event planning companies can learn from Circus Starr's methods of using donated tickets and fundraising partnerships for social benefit.
2. Philanthropy and Non-profit Organizations - Non-profit organizations and philanthropic groups can explore community interest company models as a way to sustainably raise funds for social benefit.
3. Social Enterprise and Corporate Social Responsibility - Corporate social responsibility initiatives can learn from Circus Starr's example of running a social enterprise that benefits the community and raises funds for charity.

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