Chocolate-Covered Insect Snacks

'Don Bugito' Makes a New Kind of Chocolate Covered Treat

Even on a quick trip to the supermarket, it's easy to pick up a bag of chocolate-covered treats made with a base of nuts, raisins or candy pieces. Don Bugito is setting itself apart in this market by producing an entirely different kind of chocolate-covered snacks. This business specializes in insects, using mealworms, crickets and toasted superworms to deliver a sustainable source of protein and flavor to consumers.

Don Bugito's 'Chocolate Covered Bugitos' and 'Dark Chocolate Covered Crickets' are hand-dipped in non-dairy bittersweet chocolate and topped with sea salt for added decadence.

As a self-described "edible insect street food project," the brand also offers snack packs with mixed ingredients, such as Chile-Lime Crickets with Pumpkin Seeds and Granola Bites Powered by Cricket Flour. Products like these make it easier for people in the west to accept the idea of incorporating edible insects into their diet.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Insects - The increasing popularity of edible insects snacks opens up opportunities for companies to innovate on unique flavor combinations and sustainable protein sources.
2. Alternative Proteins - Insects as a sustainable protein source are just one of many emerging alternative proteins that companies can pursue to appeal to conscious consumers.
3. Novelty Snacking - Don Bugito's unique approach to chocolate-covered snacks shows how novelty and ingenuity can create a new market for adventurous eaters.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry has an opportunity to explore alternative protein sources, such as insects, to create sustainable and healthy snacks that cater to consumers' changing dietary habits.
2. Agriculture - Insect farming could be the next big thing in sustainable agriculture, as it has a significantly lower environmental footprint compared to traditional animal farming.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Restaurants and hotels can explore incorporating insect menu offerings as a way to create a unique and adventurous dining experience for guests.

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