Meat-Free Chicken Nuggets

McDonald's Norway is Testing Chicken-Free McNuggets Made with Vegetables

McDonald's Norway is making its restaurants a little more vegan and vegetarian-friendly with the debut of chicken-free McNuggets. Even for meat lovers, the new nuggets are a tasty way to squeeze more veggies into a meal.

As McDonald's Norway recently announced, chicken-free McNuggets are currently being tested at select locations across Norway. According to the website, the 'Vegetarnuggets' are made from a mixture of mashed potatoes, chickpeas, onions, carrots, and corn. The meat-free veggie nuggets are then coated in breadcrumbs and fried until golden and crispy.

If you're looking for a complete meal, McDonald's Norway is also offering a new 'Vegetarian McFeast' burger. Designed to serve as a vegetarian alternative to Noway's 'Chicken McFeast,' the new version features a veggie and bean-based patty.
Trend Themes
1. Meat-free Fast Food - The rise of meat-free alternatives in the fast food industry provides a disruptive innovation opportunity for restaurants to cater to the growing demand for plant-based options.
2. Veggie Nuggets - The development of vegetable-based nuggets presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for food manufacturers to provide a healthier and more sustainable alternative to traditional chicken nuggets.
3. Vegetarian Fast Food - The introduction of vegetarian options in fast food menus opens up a disruptive innovation opportunity for restaurants to attract and cater to the increasing number of consumers following a vegetarian diet.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - The fast food industry can capitalize on the trend of meat-free options by incorporating plant-based alternatives into their menus and appealing to a wider audience.
2. Food Manufacturing - Food manufacturers have the opportunity to develop and produce vegetable-based nuggets as a new product category, meeting the demand for healthier and sustainable options in the market.
3. Restaurant - Restaurants can seize the opportunity to create vegetarian versions of popular menu items, such as burgers and nuggets, to attract and serve the growing population of vegetarian and vegan consumers.

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