Cannabis-Infused Spirits

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Viral Spirit Nowadays Launches at Pop-Up Grocer in NYC

The cannabis-infused spirit Nowadays, which has gained popularity on social media platforms like TikTok, is now available in New York City.

Nowadays is an award-winning cannabis beverage that "provides a light and uplifting experience without the adverse effects associated with alcohol. It features natural fruit flavors, a crisp finish, and a low dose of THC, making it a refreshing alternative for those seeking a different kind of social drink."

The beverage can be enjoyed in various ways: as a shot, over ice, or mixed into a favorite cocktail, with users typically experiencing a gentle lift within 15 minutes.

As of July 12, New Yorkers can purchase a variety of Nowadays products at Pop Up Grocer, specifically in the Non-Alcoholic section on the back wall. The selection includes 'Micro Dose Bottles' and '5mg Shots.'
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis-infused Beverages - Cannabis-infused beverages like Nowadays offer a refreshing alternative to alcohol, appealing to health-conscious consumers looking for a gentle and enjoyable lift.
2. Social Media-driven Product Popularity - The rapid rise of Nowadays on platforms like TikTok highlights the power of social media in driving product popularity and influencing consumer behavior.
3. Pop-up Retail Experiences - The availability of Nowadays at pop-up grocers demonstrates a growing trend of using temporary retail spaces to launch and test innovative products.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Industry - The cannabis industry is evolving with new products like cannabis-infused beverages, which cater to consumers seeking unique experiences beyond traditional smoking or vaping.
2. Beverage Industry - Innovations in the beverage industry are incorporating cannabis-infused options, offering consumers alternatives to alcohol and appealing to those interested in wellness.
3. Retail Industry - The retail industry is increasingly leveraging pop-up store formats to create buzz and test market appeal for new and niche products like Nowadays.

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