Potato Chip Burgers

The New Calbee Kitchen Mixes Snacks and Fast Food

As part as an unusual campaign, Japanese snack food manufacturer Calbee is opening up the Calbee Kitchen in an expressway with heavy traffic. Although the snack maker has a large presence in grocery stores and it has previously opened other stores like Calbee Plus and Grand Calbee, when this new shop opens up on July 14th, visitors will find a fun and unusual snack menu.

The new Calbee Kitchen is set to serve parfaits loaded with fruit, yogurt and breakfast cereal, shrimp-flavored chips that are exclusive to this location and oddest of all, a potato chip sandwich, where a meaty patty has been replaced with just a pile of chips. It doesn't seem like a very healthy snack, but at least there is some lettuce on the bun.
Trend Themes
1. Snack-fast-food Hybrid - Opportunity for food manufacturers to create and market innovative snack-fast-food hybrid menu items, catering to the growing demand for unconventional culinary experiences.
2. Unusual Snack Menu - Opportunity for food retailers to create experimental snack menus that draw customers in with odd and unique food combinations.
3. Exclusive Location-based Menu Items - Opportunity for food manufacturers to create exclusive location-based menu items that drive traffic to specific store locations and create exclusive snack experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Food Manufacturing - Food manufacturers can capitalize on the growing trend of unconventional culinary experiences by creating snack-fast-food hybrid menu items as well as exclusive snacks that draw consumers to their stores.
2. Food Retail - Food retailers can draw in customers with experimental snack menus that incorporate unusual food combinations, helping to differentiate their stores from others.
3. Location-based Marketing - Companies can drive traffic to specific store locations and offer exclusive experiences by creating location-based menu items and promotions.

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